
Conference with the Emschergenossenschaft - Transformation of the Emscher-Quarters

EGLV/Kirsten Neumann

The third conference organized by the KoMet and the Emschergenossenschaft was held on the 1st of July in the Lensing-Carrée Conference Center (LCC) in Dortmund. More than 100 participants discussed recent social and political challenges related to the urban neighborhoods in the Emscher region from a scientific and practical perspective. Starting with a key note presentation from Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Heitmeyer (Bielefeld University) the forthcoming input presentations were held by Prof. Dr. Jörg-Peter Schräpler (RUB), Prof. Dr. Susanne Frank (TU DO), Dr. Heike Hanhörster (ILS) and Michael von der Mühlen (NRW Staatssekretär a.D.). The closing panel discussion gave an insight to specific practical questions and future challenges.