Competence Field of Metropolitan Research
The Competence Field of Metropolitan Research (KoMet) forms the central platform for the integration of research, teaching and transfer regarding all aspects of metropolitan research throughout the University Alliance Ruhr.
As an internationally recognized center for inter- and transdisciplinary metropolitan research, KoMet bundles the complementary competencies of the three partner universities - University of Duisburg-Essen, Ruhr University Bochum and TU Dortmund University - across all research cultures and faculties, and builds on the strength of the region by networking with research institutes and practitioners outside the university.
KoMet’s thematic focus is structured around key societal challenges that can only be successfully addressed through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary cooperation. Collaboration in the eight current interdisciplinary research fields focuses on creating and intensifying research partnerships among the more than 150 participating researchers. In addition, students and early-stage researchers are to be supported through innovative exchange and support formats that closely link research and teaching, as well as through joint and mutually accessible courses within the University Alliance Ruhr.

Coordination Office
The coordination of the competence field is supported by a coordination office. The staff of the office fulfill the role of contact partners at each of the three universities and assume the role of organizers of the research fields.
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In total, approx. 100 academics from the three Ruhr universities are involved in the trans- and interdisciplinary work of the 8 research fields in metropolitan research.
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Postgraduate Network
The postgraduate network is composed of those UA Ruhr PhD candidates and postdocs who examine transformation processes in metropolitan areas and foster inter- and transdisciplinary exchange.
The UA Ruhr universities are represented in the competence field by several teaching institutes. In addition, relevant academic institutes from each of the universities are also involved in the competence field “Metropolitan Research”.
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The competence field “Metropolitan Research” cooperates with a series of well-known academic and commercial institutions, who are situated in the Ruhr Valley as well as active all over the world.
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In the form of start-up support, the competence field “Metropolitan Research” received financial backing from the Stiftung Mercator. As a consequence, the coordination office was established.
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If you are interested in collaborating with the Competence Field Metropolitan Research as a participating academic or other partner, please feel free to contact our coordination office at the following e-mail address: