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Obituary for Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt - The Competence Field Metropolitan Research mourns the loss of Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt -

(Foto: Daniel Schumann)
Alexander Schmidt passed away far too early on 28.12.2024. The news of his death has deeply moved colleagues, long-time companions, former doctoral candidates and students.
Alexander Schmidt was full of character, argumentative, intellectual, generous, free-spirited, humorous and full of original ideas. He leaves behind a painful gap in many respects, but also extremely vivid memories of joint projects, discussions and goals. His work was not only evident in the immediate environment of his university, but also in numerous international networks and research associations, in which he left a clear mark.
We will miss him as an approachable person, original scientist and warm-hearted mentor and will remember him with gratitude. We extend our deepest sympathy to his family, his friends and all those who were close to him.
You can find the complete obituary of the University of Duisburg-Essen HERE