
InnaMoRuhr - Concept of integrated, sustainable mobility for the UA Ruhr Alliance (UA Ruhr)

A multidisciplinary consortium with researchers from the social sciences, economics and engineering pursues the question how mobility in the Ruhr Region can be made sustainable. The project will develop a concept for integrated, sustainable mobility for the University Alliance Ruhr and will test it in practice a field trial. The aim of this project is to improve the transport links between the four locations of the Universities of UA Ruhr, Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg and Essen, to close gaps in the services currently offered and to achieve sustainable changes in the mobility behavior of students as well as employees. The project undertakes to survey mobility requirements and to develop scenarios which will be first tested in a simulator and then also in the field. In the process, locally emission-free technologies, e.g. electric shuttles, but also on-demand services and other forms of new mobility will be used.
Further information can be found here.